Fell sick during pregnancy 17 weeks
I am currently 17 weeks and 4 days pregnant. And i fell sick for the pass 3 days. Having fever on and off at 37.5deg, cough, sore throat and flu. And natural remedies to suggest? I've seen the doc 2 times but fever still did not subside and my essential oils are all useless. Pls help this mum to be. I'm so restless and so worried as this is my 1st baby.

I used to fall sick often until a friend introduced me to supplements made of cactus, lingzhi etc from E Excel. safe for infants and pregnant mums. it operates by direct sales so don't buy from online platforms as there are fake products out there. you can read more here http://adelinebabysuns.blogspot.com/2017/01/how-my-children-go-medicine-free-for.html?m=1 and ask me more questions. I've been taking for over 3 years and haven't had cough and flu ever since.
Read moreMy way to cure fever or any sickness I give probiotic and vitamin c to my family n myself. I don't take any western medication. But not all brand of probiotic works. You can try this brand it works wonder. https://askthescientists.com/qa/usana-probiotic/?id=11264348&source=copiedlink
37.5 degrees is not a fever, don’t worry:) but if you still don’t recover, you may consider going to the polyclinic. They’ll assess to see if you need to be screened for anything. In the meantime, rest more, drink warm water and take lozenges okay?
37.5 is not high fever pa naman. Drink lots of water lang or maybe try pa urinalysis baka may infection
There are many pregnancy safe drugs that can ease your symptoms. Do consult your gp
Don’t worry, have more rest and can take some pregnancy safe medcines
Manuka honey and lemon