red patches on baby face
How can I cure this itchy patches on my baby face. My baby like to scratch his ear on that side and he is drooling lot these days. I clean the mouth area with wet towel everytime after feeding and when he drool but the red patches just get bigger.

Similar happen to my bb face... Pd said so long don't continue to worsen, then just clean with water and cleansing eg Cetaphil... For me, my bb skin got better after we kept cleaning 3x a day with bb soap and water + apply the mustela recovery cream + pigeon medicated powder. Now getting more and more better after few days of apply
Read moreChange mattress cover more often and after using wet towel to wipe change. Dun reuse it. Change sleeping position also. Dun kiss baby. Dun use hand to touch his face or wet towel. Always wash your hand first before cleaning for him.
If you go to pd they'll give you steriod cream. If you dont want then try to clean with warm water and apply moisturiser frequently. My pd says its sensitive skin.
Clean with wet cloth after feed/drool and apply moisturizer regularly on those parts as they w become v dry after constant wiping. Aveeno baby worked for my baby.
Vaseline baby jelly and Lucas pawpaw works well on my baby. But the rashes won't go off completely so ee can only make sure it don't get worse
After wiping, apply moisturiser. The more you wipe it, the more it gets dry so you have to moisturise it after wiping. 😊
Maybe he is teething? Can put some moisturiser for baby on the area to avoid drying. Mustela or lucas papaw is good.
It might be ezcema, better to consult PD. Mine was and doctor say should come earlier. We will using Cerandan
Could be eczema. Consult dermatologist. My LO went to Naaman skin clinic at Novena.
Consult pedia. He might give your baby some steriod or if not just moisturizer too