How do you reignite the spark between you and your husband? Constant arguments due to finacial,work,kids. Its been straining our relationship alot. Any marriage advice?

Arguments are unavoidable when we have to deal with all these aspects of our lives. For my husband and I, we manage our individual finances and discuss all household (grocery, bills) and major expenses (big ticket items, trips) together. For family issues, we will also first discuss any potential points (how often to visit in-laws, who does what household chores) to come to a common understanding of how things should be handled. Taking a break from being “mummy” and “daddy” and go out for a date as “husband” and “wife” may help. Talk about anything but the children while on the date. Sometimes, it just seemed like we have forgotten to care for each other because of all our other responsibilities. Another suggestion would be simply to make your husband a packed meal (breakfast or lunch) for a day where he has a busy work schedule, slipped in a simple note to motivate him for the day. Small gestures like this could really help us appreciate our partners more. ;)
Read more# I think a fight over financials happen only when you haven't chalked out roles for both. In my family, I am the restraining type and my wife is THE big spender who has to be controlled from time to time. But since she understands my judgement, she kinda obeys my decision on most occasions. # In case of chores, even we have had our fare share of fights to come to a mutual understanding about our roles, I do not like to clean a lot but then If its my mess, I clean. She does the laundry and so on. Trick is to not get irritable and frustrated. #Other trick - Plan everything together. It helps both the partners understand what's important for the other. and if I screw things up, I have a clever gift ready before I face her :) # Also we usually go out for a fancy dinner after every fight as a rule which we never break.
Read moreAll the stress of finances and work can take a toll on your relationship over the course of time. Arguments are bound to happen in every relationship. The real solution is how you decide to tackle your problems. Don't let the problems pile up, try and talk about it and sort it out. Reigniting the spark becomes much easier when you are not angry or upset with one another. Try taking your man away for a short get- away without the kids or for date night. Some quality time with each other will surely do your relationship some good.
Read moreOne fine morning, decide not to talk about all the usual things that you do, and plan to spend the day with your husband out of the routine. Go out for a short break and have a deal that whenever the topics that cause stress between you two come up, you people are not going to discuss it further. Do fun things together, may be some adventure sports, rides or go for a romantic movie. Do things that you have not been doing lately and which you otherwise like a lot.
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Whoa ok. All the answers above involve breaking the trust of your marriage for something that could be insignificant. Have you tried asking him? What makes you think he may be doing you wrong? Is there more evidence than him texting someone? To get the Evidence why not Signup and see What is right and what is Wrong. Make sure this is the path you wish to follow before you do anything. This could be the end. WWW.HACKERSPYVILLE.COM
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Arguments are common even before marriage. My GF of 5 years likes to throw in surprises every now and then, to keep our relationship strong. I would do the same too to make it a mutual effort and sometimes we try to talk things thru other options like emails, text messages or even letters to get thru the argument without face to face contact so that we will be logical and lesser chance of reigniting the argument.
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Arguments are fine as long as it is a healthy arguments. Both of you should find solutions that you both agree with and are committed to.