How do you reignite the spark between you and your husband? Constant arguments due to finacial,work,kids. Its been straining our relationship alot. Any marriage advice?

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Arguments are unavoidable when we have to deal with all these aspects of our lives. For my husband and I, we manage our individual finances and discuss all household (grocery, bills) and major expenses (big ticket items, trips) together. For family issues, we will also first discuss any potential points (how often to visit in-laws, who does what household chores) to come to a common understanding of how things should be handled. Taking a break from being “mummy” and “daddy” and go out for a date as “husband” and “wife” may help. Talk about anything but the children while on the date. Sometimes, it just seemed like we have forgotten to care for each other because of all our other responsibilities. Another suggestion would be simply to make your husband a packed meal (breakfast or lunch) for a day where he has a busy work schedule, slipped in a simple note to motivate him for the day. Small gestures like this could really help us appreciate our partners more. ;)

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