How to deal with husband who needs 100 reminders to do something?

How do you deal with husbands who need constant reminding to do anything at all? For example, you ask them to do something and you've been asking for months but it never gets done. When you remind, he constantly tries to close the topic and says he will do it, but STILL it never gets done! Of course I'm able to do it myself but that is hardly the solution. Is the only solution me doing everything instead of asking him? Is there any other solution? This has been the theme of our arguments and I've been telling him nicely to please not let me beg multiple times for everything. He says he will try his best but still it happens. And the worst part, when I finally reach my limit (after reminding for a gazillion times), he tries to shut me off and cannot comprehend why I am upset. Instead he starts getting angry cos I'm upset and this goes into full blown argument. It's a vicious cycle and I'm so tired of this. I'm at my wits end. I've tried everything. Speaking nicely, reminding nicely, putting notes.. even doing the things I ask him myself, thinking that he will feel the guilt and won't repeat his behaviour. But still nothing changes! Sometimes (only sometimes) things get done after I get really really upset at him. But I don't want that to be the solution. I don't want arguments to be the solution of him finally doing things. Sigh. If you've experienced this, what have you done that made changes in your partner's behaviour. P/s: I'm due in a month and I'm stressed out cos there's so many things pending and he has not been helping me out, taking the stress away from me. I feel like I'm in charge of everything and my head is going to explode, otherwise nothing gets done. I genuinely want to sit back and just focus on my upcoming birth. #firsttimemom #pleasehelp #advicepls

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