Baby name suggestion
Hi all... help us by choosing baby girl name... 1) Tricia 2) Ashley 3) Hayley 4) Any other suggestion?

Any first letter? Or common name? Or suit her middle or chinese name? - Melissa - Joey - Isabelle - Felicia - Sophie - Emma - Chloe - Sarah - Natalie - Olivia - Hannah / Hanna - Lauren - Charlotte - Claire - Grace - Ella - Elliot - Mia - Kayla - Jamie - Kate - Kathleen - Karen Actually can find a lot via Google baby names
Read moreHey mummy I suggest you think the alphabet you want first. I plan all the names but in the end I didn't make any choice of it my baby name was decided 3 day after arrival and it just pop in my head suddenly haha
I think Tricia or Ashley is nicer. Hayley is very common now. Lots of kids and adults I know have this name.
Danielle - can be nicknamed Dani Justine Billie Rose Gabrielle - can be nicknamed Gabi
Read moreAshley not bad. Olivia also nice 😉 you can google and find
I like Adrianne. Less common
Hayley sounds nice!
hayley is niceee
Ashley is nice!
Hayley is nice
Mummy of two boys