Baby name suggestion

Hi all... help us by choosing baby girl name... 1) Tricia 2) Ashley 3) Hayley 4) Any other suggestion?

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Any first letter? Or common name? Or suit her middle or chinese name? - Melissa - Joey - Isabelle - Felicia - Sophie - Emma - Chloe - Sarah - Natalie - Olivia - Hannah / Hanna - Lauren - Charlotte - Claire - Grace - Ella - Elliot - Mia - Kayla - Jamie - Kate - Kathleen - Karen Actually can find a lot via Google baby names

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5y trước

Emma/ claire is nice

Influencer của TAP

Hey mummy I suggest you think the alphabet you want first. I plan all the names but in the end I didn't make any choice of it my baby name was decided 3 day after arrival and it just pop in my head suddenly haha

I think Tricia or Ashley is nicer. Hayley is very common now. Lots of kids and adults I know have this name.

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Danielle - can be nicknamed Dani Justine Billie Rose Gabrielle - can be nicknamed Gabi

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Ashley not bad. Olivia also nice 😉 you can google and find

I like Adrianne. Less common

Influencer của TAP

Hayley sounds nice!

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hayley is niceee

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Ashley is nice!

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Hayley is nice