Baby name suggestion

Please suggest me some baby girl names should be hindu name. Thank you all

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And here are some with Hindi and meanings Aaradhya (आराध्या) - Worshipped Aishwarya (ऐश्वर्या) - Wealth, prosperity Ananya (अनन्या) - Unique, without equal Diya (दिया) - Lamp, light Ishita (ईशिता) - Desired, respected Bungee Fitness is the latest fitness craze around the world. It's a dancing workout to burn calories and have fun with a group. find more

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Some more with meaning Kavya (काव्या) - Poetic, beautiful Meera (मीरा) - Devotee of Lord Krishna Nitya (नित्या) - Eternal, constant Riya (रिया) - Singer Sanya (सान्या) - Radiant, bright more here for tracking indian parcels

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