mamy preg??

My HB review goes down again 10.5?

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I've just delivered 3 weeks ago. During pregnancy it was as low as 9.2 I went to both gov n private doctor. Gov klinik was going crazy as they insist it must be at least 10. Gave me lots of iron vitamin to boost it. It created serious constipation for me. Private doc not too worried as if it's above 10 should be fine. Due to serious constipation doc changed to a slightly lower iron vit for me. I was told its more dangerous if u end up doing operations. If plan for natural birth not too worried. Hope this helps

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5y trước

😵😵😵 oh my God😥

jangan berputus asa... teruskan usaha tak smua ubat serasi dgan badan kita .. saya fulu pun try macam2 last dri ubat 4serangkai misi bagi tukar iberat last2 serasi dgn maltofer jugak....cuma misi slalu pesan mkan unat tu kena dengan cara yg betul.... ambik dgn jus lebih cepat serap...papepun smoga sis trus bersemangat ye sis

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5y trước

masuk 7bulan sudah strt turun HB. sy sekarang makan ubat 4 serangkai juga😂 Masalah sembelit sy pula yg ok bila makan ubat 4 serangkai 😆😆😆😆

I consume Blackmores for pregnant & lactating mother.. HB start 14 & maintain 13 until now.. No diebetic or high blood pressure.. Highly recommended it is a multivitamin + folic acid, because yeah while pregnant, I become a picky eater & hardly to eat any nutrition food.

5y trước

yes exactly.... my hb get well

Makan iberet beli dkt farmasi.. pastu jdkan makanan harian buah jambu batu.. stop minum teh , kopi dan jarakkan minum susu sekurang2nya 2 jam sebelum/ selepas ambil ubat.. kalau boleh amalkan vit c juga dia membantu utk penyerapan zat besi!

5y trước

ok noteddd mommy👍🏻

maybe u can try blackmores... i have history of anemia before pregnancy... when the first semester pregnancy my blood level was 8.4 too low..but when i start blackmores .. my blood hb till now 12.4 to 12.5... maybe u can try it

5y trước

and i took barlean omega fish oil 1 tablet to get baby skin healthy

Yes gov recommended Iberet but it created serious constipation for me. Private doc recommended Sangobion which was a little better for my constipation. Good luck 😉

5y trước

okk notedd💪🏻👍🏻🙂

saya pernah turun sampai 9 something. lepas makan pisang naik elok. ubat macam2 tukar tak jalan. pisang jugak serasi 😂

5y trước

try makan pisang laini😆😆

u can try iberet.. doctor suggest it to me since my HB also low after 6 month prenancy.. now back to normal 12.5..

5y trước

okkk thnkyouuuh mommy🙂

Thành viên VIP

try jus mamariam kat shopee boleh stabil kan balik hb u.. all the best

5y trước


try makan jambu batu dan buah delima... cuba elakan minuman berkafein...

5y trước

try makan jambu batu la buah delima ssh mau cari 😌