Gng to HK in sept with my 2.5 yo girl. Other than Disneyland and trick eye museum, where else would be suitable for us to bring her? Is baby chair commonly be found in restaurants? Couldn't remember when I went there few years back

Honestly, I preferred Ocean Park to Disneyland, less crowded and much more central location compared to Disneyland. Hong Kong Space Museum is pretty fun too! Lots of hands on activities and exhibitions there. Most restaurants will have baby chairs if you ask for them but they are not really stroller friendly. Plus the more popular food joints are always crowded and have long queues so eating in a rush and having strollers might not be ideal with a young child.
Read moreOcean park is a must go for family! The peak is nice too with awesome view, great place for some photo taking. I didn't remember seeing baby chairs around when I bring my boy. Only those big restaurants yes they do provide it. Else eatery like Cha Chan Teng do not provide it and usually is small and cramp inside. Enjoy your Holiday to Hong Kong~
Read moreOcean Park! I prefer it to Disneyland and there are a number of rides suitable for kids. Visit their panda too. For restaurants, you might to buy those seat support for kids. They are like harness which you can put around the chair and your child. Check qoo10 for portable baby seats.
Yes those portable fabric baby seat are good for travelling. They are lightweight to bring around.
This is a great guide that my friend is taking reference from as she plans for her upcoming trip to Hong Kong with her 3-year old and in-laws. Hope you find it useful too! :)
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Ocean park! Yes it is, just have to ask the staff for a baby chair, and clean it with a wet tissue before having your girl sit on it
Ocean Park would be nice. I think some restaurants may have baby chairs not all
Hongkong is now into protest, would you wanna go to other destination first
Hk is having protest now Better change venue
Change place
Domestic diva of 1 bubbly girl