Astigmatism in 2 year old

Hi. Recently, my kid had eye checkup and found to have high astigmatism in both eyes, which requires glasses. my kid is only 2.5 years old..too young to wear glasses. is there anyone encountered the same? please share your experience and opinion.

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Hello I have no experience, but I’m curious if you had GDM during your pregnancy and if yes, was it controlled by med or insulin? Because some said it is the side effect of GDM ..

2mo trước

Hi. I didn't had GDM during pregnancy.

there were no symptoms. it was just a scheduled eye checkup since my kid was a preemie

What were the symptoms if I may know

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was ur kid recommended to use eye patches?

2mo trước

Hi. No, they didn't mention eye patches regardless of asking for other alternative. they said the only solution is eye glasses, and the kid had to wear the whole day from waking up till sleep at night :(