Feeding schedule

Hello fellow mummies! My baby is 2 weeks old now. Been bf every 3 hrs according to schedule. Time to start feeding on demand? How do u feed on demand, what are the signs to look out for that baby is hungry and how's your pumping schedule like for feeding on demand? How to create milk stash in the fridge? Feeling confused.

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Signs of hungry - put hands to mouth, turn head towards mummy breasts, crying after feeding means can be not enough, Opening his mouth while feeding, Lip smacking. You can observe baby’s cue. If full, baby will turn head away n mouth will be closed. Don’t worry after while u will know how is your baby’s cue n all. Yes bf demand - can be 1 hr, 1.5hr or 2-3 hour. Not necessary have to follow the timing. 15-20mins each breast is enough. You can observe baby on 2nd month again. As long dont over 30mins each breasts. Baby may vomit cos over feed. Bf n pumping - Eg if u bf at 12pm, next feed bf at 3pm, after bf , pump to clear. Don’t worry if it’s only 5-10ml. 5-6pm you can pump again. ( if u feel breast getting tender ) If baby feel hungry n wants more, just bf first. Then pump to clear. Right now cos jz two weeks, If u can bf all the way, don’t worry abt pumping first. Pump when you are free. Let baby suckle more. Takes time, Milk will come more... if u worry not enough. Then you can try pump a little by little n put in fridge. Unless u ok to bottle feed. Top up fm. If u top up fm, u have more time to pump :) if have Low supply Eg, pump 30ml at 3pm, put in a storage bottle n put right inside fridge first. 5pm & 9pm you pump again. if you have a milk bag , put 3 pumps together. Then put inside freezer. Rem to Write today’s date on the milk bag. If u don’t have milk bag, just use storage bottle it’s fine. Increase milk production- Eg papaya fish soup , red dates, Milo, drink a lot of water during confinement now , lactation cookies, oats etc Not all mummies will have same food or drink that can increase supply. Example : Some mummies drink Milo increase alot, some mummies can’t take Milo , have to find alternative. So u gonna know which food or drink can help u to increase. Hope it helps. :)

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5y trước

Thanks mummy for sharing in details! This is great helpful:)

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Sometimes when u latch, the other breast leaks. Can collect that and freeze it if oversupply.