Ask the Expert Series: How to Identify Signs of Labour?

Hello everyone! 👋 As your estimated-date-of-delivery (EDD) approaches, signs of labour are crucial indicators for expectant parents to note of. As a medical professional and a parent myself, I am delighted to be hosting this session to address your concerns and questions pertaining to signs and symptoms to look out for as your enter the final stage of your pregnancy. I am Dr Peter Wang, MBBS Anchor Doctor at Speedoc. Feel free to leave your questions or concerns in the comments section. I will do our best to respond to every question! 💡🗣️ Topic: How to Identify Signs of Labour? Date: Wednesday, 18th October 2023 Time: 8.00 - 9.00 pm

Ask the Expert Series: How to Identify Signs of Labour?
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How do we know if it’s mucus plug? Does it come out at one shot or bit by bit? And what are the signs to watch out for after mucus plug is released?

7mo trước

It is a a thick, gel-like discharge that may be clear, slightly pink, brown or even red. Once the plug is released, watch closely for signs of active labour. You want to be looking out for when contractions become regular, frequent, and increasingly intense. Active labor contractions are typically about 4-5 minutes apart, last around 45-60 seconds, and continue to occur consistently.