Does your hubby follow you to all appointments?

Currently still in 1st trimester. I went to most of the appointments by myself as I did not want my husband to worry and in fact didn't tell him when I go for some of the follow ups. Recently he was angry when he found out that I went to the appt by myself and didn't inform him (actually he won't go as well but just wanted to know). But he doesn't know that each visit is stressful for me as idk if baby is doing well or if there's anything. I didn't want to stress him out too and rather be independent.

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it's my first pregnancy, i've only went to 2 appointments so far. my husband is not able to accompany as he's currently overseas for work. my 1st appt was very confusing and scary coz everything was new to me & the baby was still very small (literally a yolk sac). they had to use vaginal scanning to have a clearer view of it. the whole procedure was me just going ??? and i got nervous when they all looked so concerned and asked me alot of questions. my 2nd appt i was scared on my way there, had so many negative thoughts but i teared so bad when i finally saw how the baby grew so much, i felt sooo relieved. i agree with you, it is stressful especially when you're doing it alone. as for my husband, he feels very guilty for being absent and he does cry about it sometimes. i feel like it's good to share your progress w ur husband as it not only helps u mentally but it'll also help ur husband feel involved, especially if it's the first time for the both of you ✨ it's his baby too. all the best independent mama!

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