Hospitalisation leave due to low blood count

Hi, currently 34weeks and private kkh patient. I’ve gotten a few blackout incident for the past week as i have low blood count. As much as I would like to rest, my job is rather tough to be on frequent MC. Any mummies faced anything similar and able to get HL from gynae instead? HL is better as it would be easier to be away than to be on unexpected MC. TIA!

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I had similar symptoms with my 3 pregnancies. Prone to blackouts. Just need inform gynae your symptom.. I also inform my gynae how often it happens..thus he gave me full HL of 60 days till my EDD..

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Yes! Talk to your gynae about it. I was anemic and my KK gynae gave me HL from wk 33

3y trước

Will speak to my gynae tmr! Did they treat you with blood transfusion?