Career or Family first?
Hi all, Will you choose to chiong career and delay motherhood or does family comes first?

Chiong career as in postpone motherhood? It depends what you want. I have seen women who chiong career then live in regret when it’s too late to conceive, while on the other side of palm there are cases when women regret of choosing motherhood. Life is full of difficult choices, but if you can have both, why not?
Read moreFamily first. But my husband chiong career first as I still working and taking care my lo. He work 7days once lo getting older like 1-2 years old then he give him self a break on Sunday for family day. Because he work then got money no work no money.
Depends on ur age n financial condition. If got enough money n not so young anymore maybe better to focus on motherhood. If still young n fledging career then maybe career first to gain stable position before planning pregnancy...
Why not both? Society nowadays is very understanding and being a working mother is becoming the norm. It's not as hard as it used to be as we have child care, helper, etc to help us.
Motherhood first. But more importantly, at least get a stable job and save first. Moving up the ladder can wait but body is not getting any younger.
I wouldn’t choose, will do both as long as i am able to. unless am not finally stable then career first, if not it will be hard to sustain family
Family, but i also want a career though not looking at anything too chiong. I just want a stable job that i can go home and see my child.
Family before anything. But I will do my very best to perform for my career.
Motherhood, unless you have lots of help at home then maybe both(:
I'll choose both! I don't see why can't we handle both :)