how many FTWM resigned after maternity to stay at home with LO? Is it worth to give up your career, when baby can be placed in an IFC, which might even be more beneficial for baby. Does this stretch the family finances a lot?

I resigned to look after my lo too. Yes finances are alittle stretched on my end but definitely manageable. That means, focused spendings on essential baby items. I would not use the term "give up my career" as I voluntarily resigned to be a sahm. I am much happier. Being a sahm has its challenges too. You are the first person your baby will look for 24/7. Yes u read it right, 24/7. And i mean it. U'll experience a clingy baby, be immune to their cries and fuss, understand their temper and thoughts and be able to read them like a book :) Is it worth it? Definitely, 100%. No regrets. Our babies are growing up daily, minute by minutes and seconds as we speak. They watch and imitate and learn. As a sahm u get to witness both "thunderstorms" and "rainbows" moments. IFC might not be as beneficial as we think at times, at least the one which i had my boy in initially was bad. Real bad. Horrible. As a sahm there are just so many learning opportunities when them :) For instance, I bring my boy out for short distance walks and teaches him to recognise birds, cars, bicycles, light etc. I read to him at times, sing songs and watch chu chu tv together :) We, sahm, can be a home-based teacher to them as well. No worries on that. Have I ever regretted my decision? No. I love being a sahm *wink*
Read moreI was also a FTWM till my dad was diagnosed with cancer when my #2 was born. I then decided to resign to spend more time with him. Subsequently even after he left, i realised how important it is to be able to spend time with the kids especially when they are young. My dad worked too hard and barely have much time with us and when he did, he was already very sick. His passing taught me that yes, it is worthwhile to give up my career just to see the kids grow up and teach them the right values as 1 day, kids will turn into teens and no longer need us. That is when I should get back to work. As for the perception that placing baby in IFC is more beneficial, i think that depends on individuals. I'm one of those who are against IFC and maids so I can only care for them on my own. As for family finances, it's definitely a stretch but we are still coping. It's just lesser savings, no new clothes except cny, haircuts only 2x a yr n I/hb will cut all my 3 kids' hair. We certainly don't travel as frequently or even as far as my friends who went to taiwan, japan, europe etc. But I'll always remind myself that i've more control over how to mould my kids' characters, instill good values and also get to be by their side during their precious early years.
Read morei am pondering on this option too.. Hubby doesnt like the idea of placing lo in IFC as he has hrd stories hw babies cries are being ignore in IFC, also babies are unable to talk now. So if there is any accident or ill-treatment that happen u will not know too. We did work out our sum, hubby tot he can take up some part-time assignments(home tuition) to supplement. Also if i have enough savings to support my personal commitments. There is always an opportunity cost to every decision, probably u have to measure which decision will hav a higher impact on you. Have u consider be a SAHM till your baby can entered CC ? 1.5 years(or maybe lesser by now) not working, how much will it impact on your career path. No matter which decision u made, most impt u have to be comfortable n happy.. Dont regret on ur decision.
Read moreI have resigned last month after my maternity leave ended. I had always wanted to leave the company since last year but stayed on throughout pregnancy. There are pros and cons to putting a child in IFC at an early age. For starters, their immune system is still weak hence they may fall sick easily and you will need to take leave to take care of them. Also, if you are pumping at work, you may face some discrimination and gossip as well. Work is ever present but each child goes through their milestones once, so I would rather spend my time with them up till 18 months so they can go to childcare then. Family finances is certainly tight these days but I'm sure with some simple budgeting and cost cutting measures, you will get through.
Read moreI still working mum because I got my mum and helper to help look after my little girl who is 9 mths old... I plan to place her in PG next year and not retain my helper anymore.... I know that I will missed the growing up stages of my kids but I think in Singapore it is very difficult to sustain only on 1 person salary..... therefore I will spend my evening and weekend with the kids...... I try to see them make milk for them change diaper for them sleep with them and not let my helper do it when I home....therefore.. I am full time working mum during office hours and full time mum to my kids after working hours and I got no time off...... I think that's what most mum do.....
Read morebeen a sahm for a year. had been a ftwm since I had #1, after ml for #2, decided to be sahm. of coz, there were lotsa hiccups in the start, slowly will get the hang of it. like wat many say. money can still be earned, but childhood is only once. I never regret my decision. I know the feeling of willingly waking up to cook at 7am instead of dragging feet to work? yay.. that's the feeling. also I'm not a high flyer, my kids will love me more than my boss ya. that's y. Maybe I will go back to workforce two more years... But now just "enjoy" the sahm days.
Read moreI feel that the time you spend with your child is priceless. Once they go into primary school, you will missed their childhood. I saw many cases around me. You will happy to see your child when they meet their each milestones. You will feel proud of them and grateful that you with them. There is a lot of unforeseen problem when you put your baby in IFC; child sick, spread diseases like HFMD, chicken pox and etc. You have to plan and maybe reduce impulse buying. You may consider to write down pros and cons on the paper. You will have clearer decision then.
Read moreI was happily teaching when I found out I was pregnant with my number 2. I resigned after coming back from my maternity leave. Even though it tires the hell out of me, i broke down, i am happy. I get to watch my kiddos grow up. The different milestones. We bake together etc. No regrets even though financial is a little stretch but we can still manage our finances well. I would give up anything so long I get to watch her grow from a tiny baby to a talkative, active baby. I have thought of going back to work though. But still indecisive :p
Read moreA few of my friends did just that. They are all happy SAHM now. We all did not like the idea of putting our babies in IFC. But when they are old enough to do childcare & nursery, the mummies do take up part-time or home-based assignments. As for me, I hv both helper & mil at home so after resigning for abt a yr, I went back to working almost full-time. Felt quite redundant at home the whole day & it makes more economical sense for me to work too. Then I just spend evenings with the kids when they are back from childcare/kindy.
Read moreI didn't resigned but was forced to resign as my boss says that I'm taking too many urgent leaves. As a FTWM, this is one of the challenges you will face especially if you put LO in IFC. Kids in IFC are prone to virus attack during the 1st 6 mths and this is the time where lots of urgent leaves may be involved. Be prepared for such. From FTWM to SAHM, you will definitely be affected fainancially and if your finances doesn't allow, sometimes it will lead to many unnecessary quarrels between hubby and yourself.
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