back pain

Anyone experiencing back pain? Recently been having back pain often. Third trimester now. Any tips on how to overcome them?

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If you're experiencing back pain during your third trimester, it's not uncommon. One effective way to find relief is through physiotherapy. A physiotherapist can provide tailored exercises and techniques to alleviate your back pain, ensuring a more comfortable pregnancy. Additionally, maintaining proper posture, gentle stretches, and warm baths can also help ease the discomfort. Don't hesitate to consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and support.

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Prenatal massages only provided me temporary relief. I agree with laying on your back more often/bed rest. Even flipping sides in bed caused me pain. Just had to endure it since it’s the last trimester. Don’t carry heavy stuff, practice squats, sit on gym ball..

You can do safe exercises like walking and swimming to help you strengthen your back and abdomen. You may want to read this helpful blog to learn more

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Yes! Its normal as your baby's weight is putting on pressure. Just rest more. Bed rest more often if u need. I just walk, sit and lie and keep changing this pattern during my 3rd trimester

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I have backpain often n I’m only on my first trimester

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prenatal massage.