ruyi oil
can my 9 days old newborn baby apply ruyi oil?

Yes you can give but you have to take note. A couple of my mummy fren and myself experienced that nowadays ruyi oil isn't same as last time. Our baby tummy will get sensitive even we apply on our hand rub it first.
Yes. I'm using it for my #2 when he is back home frm hospital. Now he is 3mth, still using, no issue.. But my #1 cannot when she is baby. Allergy reaction (rashes).
Too strong for newborn. Might burn their skin. Best after a month. I'm using baby eucalyptus oil eagle brand for my baby that is still less than a month (:
Yes but don’t apply directly on the baby skin. Put some on your hands and rub them together first before applying on your baby.
A bit will do but not directly apply to tummy. Rub it with your palms and warm it first before apply to LO tummy
If you want, you can just put 2 drops on your palm, rub together before placing hands on baby's skin/tummy
yes. apply on ur hand first then rub it before putting ur hand on ur baby's tummy
Many apply but I personally don't like n not recommended as baby skin is delicate
I would apply one tiny dot first to the lower tummy and rub gently
Yes, I apply ru yi oil on my baby tummy and feet after bath