get rid of wind

hi mummy, how u get rid of wind for yr newborn baby?currently only apply ruyi oil, is the gripe water useful to newborn? how do u give? hw many times u give?

get rid of wind
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Hi Kelyn~ the gripe water is to be added into baby's milk every 6 hourly. If baby isn't suffering from bad tummy upset frequently, then the gripe water can be added once a day. I would normally add it in the morning during Baby's first feed. I also rub Kidz Paradise's Tummy Ease Blend on Baby's tummy to combat the wind. It actually works for her coz as soon as I applied it, she will pass wind/burp.

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5y trước

thks for yr advise ,appreciated😊

I wont recommend to put ruyi oil. If u wish add a small drop to your palm and rub o your palm and make it warm and then massage the baby stomach. I wont recommend because it is hot n spicy to baby new born skin. I use Dr Brown milk bottle to feed my baby. So far so good. Try to place baby on sit up right position on your lap or place baby chin on your shoulder to pat.

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If I’m not wrong a teaspoon is for one mth so for baby around 15days I give half teaspoon and doctor advise not to put ruyi oil due to sensitive skin but both works (had used this two combination when I was a baby)

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As per docs recommendations gripe water is banned .. better not to use it as we never given for my boy as well n he is very well .. though .. Heard there r some future side effects abt this ..

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Never tried before. I only massage my lo tummy and do cycling motion after every shower, in addition to burping my lo back after every feed. So far it works for my lo.

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I didn’t give gripe water. Instead I apply Ruyi oil, massage baby tummy while doing leg cycling and also carry baby upright.

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If baby is bottle feed I mix it in the milk . If not u can use syringe too but I think I give it only when baby is 6weeks old

Influencer của TAP

I wanted to buy this grip water to my Lo when she was nb. Was told that it's only suitable for 4 months and above.

Hey, My friends used Ruyi oil as gripe water was recommended for baby 4 months and above

Super Mom

I used rid wind, which had the dosage (0.2ml) written inside and a dropper provided.