Night Feeding

Can a 3 months old baby sleep through the night without night Feeding?

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Yes, so long as your bb is growing well, not underweight and still meeting the appropriate daily milk intake. Sometimes my 3 months+ bb slept through the night and I don't wake her up for night feeds. She is growing well and still hitting her developmental milestones.

i think too young. my lo at 8 months still need 1 night feed. ard 3 months, there were 2 night feeds, ard 1am and 4am. slowly drop the 1am night feed after eating solids.

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yes possible. and you will be so lucky. I have a friend baby's sttn at 2 month old. I'm not so lucky baby currently 20 month still wake up 2 to 3 hourly for milk

Yes my boy is 3 months 14 days and he started to sleep through the night since last month, only wake up at 5.30am or even 7am for milk..

Yes.. I think it’s fine as baby is sleeping.. anyway it means you’re lucky that you can catch up on sleep..

yes. my boy sttn from 2 mths. we were worried n checked with our PD - he told us its perfectly ok.

my baby now is 3mos and she fuzzes 2x every night to feed ard 2 and 5am.

Yes can. I have 4 kids and 3 of them slept through the night.

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Yes !
