Hoping for some emotional support! Have been nervous and anxious for my 2nd doctor's appointment tomorrow. Last one was 2 weeks ago where based on LMP suppose to be 6w6d but scan shows 5weeks+. Doctor asks to come back two weeks later and hoping can see my baby's heartbeat tomorrow. Had a missed miscarriage last year for my 1st pregnancy at 7w+. Maybe this adds to my anxiousness. Plus not been experiencing much symptom except a little sore nipples and boobs, frequent peeing (maybe because I drink more water too) and occassionally fatique. Hoping some mummies who were in similar boats for some inspiration and support. Thanks! #ultrasound #7week
Đọc thêmHi! I'm on my 2nd pregnancy (7 weeks now, we've been trying for a year and finally preggie) so naturally i'm more worried as compared to my 1st pregnancy (not much trying and preggie) Also with my 2nd pregnancy i don't have much preggie symptoms like nausea, backaches, reflux other than fatigue and mild breast soreness. My 1st preggie was vomitting 24/7! I'm worried cause it felt like the baby's 'not in me' as it's not making me nausea etc. Also i keep seeing ppl having miscarriages so i'm even more worried until my every appointment with scans when i see the baby then i felt better.. Anyone faces the same dilemma as me? 😭 #pregnancy
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