
Hi just wondering Do your husbands pay for all your medical bills during pregnancy all the way till delivery. or do you guys split half half? i told my husband we can split half but when i told my mom she says that he should pay for everything because we have already carried the child during pregnancy . accompanied with vomiting , back ache and hormonal problems and labour pain so it’s only right that the husbands play their part by providing support for the costs of everything what are your thoughts?

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I think it depends on how the both of you function as a team. For me, I’ll like to handle the bills since i can reimburse back from my company. He helped and paid a lot more of other stuff in our daily life already. I think i can share his burden as a wife... though he does not mind paying too... so it boils down to how u two function n not so much on other’s opinions on how the finance should be divided, since all households are different

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