11 Replies
Hey, It is just normal for the baby to rub eyes as they are feeling sleepy but if it is getting too frequent then better to see the PD as the baby’s eye might be itchy
is her eyes red or watery? if she always do it, pls see a doc, who knows what will be the problem. but i hope your LO just rub her eyes cause she tired or sleepy.
Quite normal bit if her eyes are teary or she feels uncomfortable best to bring her to the pediatrician
That’s a common sleepy cue. How old is your LO and how long do you keep her awake for?
My LO does that too when she wakes up:) Then after she’s more alert, she won’t rub her eyes for some time. And when she’s tired again, she’ll rub again and start fussing.
If baby’s just sleepy, should be ok as it’s natural reflex.
hope not too much coz not good for eyesight
Mine does that when sleepy.
Your baby might be sleepy
Rachel Felix