Need advise

My wife is giving birth in July, but confused which brand of pampers to buy.I have researched brand like pampers,huggies,Mamypoko but still unsure which is suitable. I scared that my newborn baby to have rashes...? And also is it advisable to buy S then rather NB? Cause New born is up to 5kg where S is 3kg to 7kg.. *Ps: 1st time becoming father

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Congrats bro! Personally I feel that mild nappy rash once in a while is unavoidable so it’ll happen regardless of brand anyway. So to me the brand only matters for considerations like comfort, absorbency & budget. Also, definitely get a NB size at the start even though the baby will outgrow it pretty soon usually. On the topic of nappy rash, the cream Desitin really helps as a protective layer to prevent it everytime we have a diaper change. Hope that helps! :-)

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