Need advise

My wife is giving birth in July, but confused which brand of pampers to buy.I have researched brand like pampers,huggies,Mamypoko but still unsure which is suitable. I scared that my newborn baby to have rashes...? And also is it advisable to buy S then rather NB? Cause New born is up to 5kg where S is 3kg to 7kg.. *Ps: 1st time becoming father

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Super Mom

It’s mind boggling why there are so many around. Google for free samples and collect as many as you can to try before deciding which you prefer for further use. NB packs are cheaper than S and better to get NB if possible first cause during the first 2 months, baby poop quite often - several times daily so you may change diaper up to 10 plus times a day. There are many offers online on shopee and redmart for NB diapers. Lesser for S size. However, you can still get some S size as standby in case your baby outgrow NB fast. Diaper barrier cream like mustela is good to prevent rash.

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