Playgroup pros and cons?
Why did you decide to send your baby to playgroup? How old were they when you sent them? If you didn't, why didn't you?

I think i shared this before but as an educator myself i advise against sending to school super early and long hours. But thats speaking from privilege tbh. Some families really have no village to help or need both parents to work. Ideally send at three to four years of age with kindergarten hours instead of childcare hours, and slowly ease into childcare if needed. Quality(curriculum, teachers, discipline) is more important than the quantity(hours, school fees, branding). Im planning to send to my baby to school at n2 age around three hours a day. But only if i can afford the commute, logistics and fees. Lesser subsidies with one working parent and kindergarten school.
Read morehelp from both grandmothers... only sent for 4 years in kindergarten before P1