When does baby bump start showing for first pregnancy?
When does baby bump start showing for first pregnancy?

I am 7 week now, why do I feel my tummy is so big now when everyone said their baby bump womt show up so early! And I gained 2 kg alrdy despite not eating much due to heartburn and bloated. But i eat many meals. Before pregnant 46kg, now 48kg.
I am super bloated since week6. So my small bump already shows then. Really trying to lie low and hide from my kaypo colleagues... I am still in the critical trimester 1 and i don't want ppl to probe into my pregnancy. 😂
Haha ok
I used to be a petite, slim lady years ago (now just petite 😅) and my bump was noticeable only after 5 months.
mine started around week 15 🥰 I'm very petite, maybe that's why
16 weeks! But it looked very much like food baby that time haha
Mine started to show in the end of the 4th month itself
It really depends. However, around 20 weeks, I think?
Mine in 1st trimester mainly due to bloated tummy actually.
😂 how soon? I was wondering why everyone says first pregnancy won’t see baby bump until 2nd trimester. Won’t the bloat cause the stomach to look like a bump? The stomach is completely flat in 1st trimester?
I’m petite so mine shown once reach 2nd tri
For 1st pregnancy, mine is at 2nd trimester