Feeling nausea

What should I do or eat when I feel nausea during my first trimester? How do you cope with it when you still need to work? My work does not allow me to wfh

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I used to feel really uncomfortable, although no vomiting yet.. but as others suggested, small frequent meals really helped.. I eat/snack every 2-3hrs on plain crackers/nuts/bread (unfortunately i realised i have food aversion to meat and any too tasty, even pic or video of these food 🤢).. and I always eat about half or so of a meal at any time as I learnt the hard way if I eat too much at any one time, I'll feel nausea for the next few hours.. and make sure never empty stomach too as that makes the nausea feeling worse..

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3d trước

Thanks for sharing!😊

Have smaller and more frequent meals, and have your meals especially when your nausea isn't as bad (e.g. eat heavier breakfast and lunch if nausea is worse at night). Sour plum also helped managed my morning sickness! I got those small dried chews from supermarket, and also plum candies from Muji. I would snack on them at work whenever the nausea felt a bit more challenging to manage. Hang in there mama ☺️

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5d trước

Thank you for sharing! This is helpful!😊

my morning sickness was very bad too. I find having breakfast as soon as possible followed by small frequent meals (about 2-3 hours apart) helps. I don't wait until I'm hungry, otherwise it goes downhill very quickly. If your job doesn't allow it, you could prepare some biscuits or fruits to snack on. hope this helps and you feel better soon! 🥰

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5d trước

I see. It seems like taking small frequent meals works for many pregnant mummy! Thank you for sharing!😊

First I started with some salt on the tongue, then tamarind, then assam. At one stage, none of it worked. I read online and people said sucking on small ice chips or ice cubes help. I'm Week 16 now and get nausea on and off and the ice is the only one that works now.

4d trước

It must be tough on you. Thank you for sharing!

i got plain meiji cracker when nausea comes.not a fan of sourplum bt u can still try. can also chew on gummies. have lil sip of water every now n then

5d trước

Thank you for sharing!

Prep some 100 plus/lemon(or fruits) water along with some little snacks (you can try out different small snacks to see which helps with your nausea).

5d trước

Thank you for sharing!

That happened to me too! I felt nausea after finishing the whole meal, had to eat half a portion only. Thanks for sharing!

I snacked a lot to ease the nausea off. Probably not ideal,but I couldn't do much else.

4d trước

Biscuits mostly, which aren't healthy. Nuts and fruits (excluding the cooling ones like watermelon) would've been a better option.
