What kind of job can a stay at home mom do? Currently taking care of my almost 6 month old daughter. I feel like doing something else than just taking care of a baby. If you're a SAHWM, please share! :)
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Hello, you can look for adhoc contract basis jobs, surveys, be a beta tester. You may want to check out careermums.com.sg
Try mums@work. After leaving the corporate world, I signed up with mums@work and got 2 contract roles. Or be an entrepreneur!
how about freelancing as writers/ translators or designers - UX design/ graphic design
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You can start home business maybe baking cookies or knitting/sewing
You can start selling stuffs via carousell or even instagram 😊
I do sewing/photography and graphic design :)
How about taking up baking :))
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Try selling thing online ?
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How about being a tutor?
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