What does Motherhood mean?
Tell us one advice you would like to give to a mother-to-be.

Patience, for all the hours of trying to figure out why your baby is crying. For all the times that you will need help but can’t get any. Breathe. For all the pain breastfeeding will cause you. Relax. You’re not alone, you’re not the worst case scenario, we are with you. Proactive/initiative, research for answers or advices when you are facing an issue with your baby. Assume nobody’s gonna help you. You’re your baby’s only helpline. Open mind, towards people who WILL BE COMMENTING on everything that you do. Smile and be kind. They might have their own parenting skills that you may find useful. And lots of selfless love to give, to overcome all the stressful days and given the chance, despite everything, you’d do it all over again.
Read moreIf you think pregnancy is tough, try motherhood. Please have ample of rest during your pregnancy. Sleep as much you like! Once baby is out for the first 3 months at least, you'll probably be sleeping 3-4 hours daily😅 So please, enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest!
Share happiness, love and care to ur newly born.... Mother to be doesn't mean you cannot do what you like most, you can do it again with ur little Angel.... Happy Mommy... ❤️❤️❤️
it’s okay to not feel okay, it’s okay to mess up sometimes, it’s okay to feel overwhelmed. take baby steps & enjoy the small wins
Don’t blame yourself for every incident your child gets hurt, as it can seem as way for them to learn things on their own
learn to enjoy the blessings of motherhood, when u enjoy and accept everything with faith, life will be beautiful
trust that everything will be alright in the end and have patience, and grace during tough times to yourself.
Believe in yourself. You’re more capable and stronger than you could ever imagine. I saw this in my wife.
Don’t be too hard on yourself.. many mums faced it too. Seek help if you are unsure..Your best is enough!
Treasure every moment/day how baby grows, you will feel amazing and happy. Be happy, happier each day😀