Got offered a jòb but found out i am pregnant last wk
Went thru an interview. Gotten an offer but found out i was 8weeks pregnant after the interview. What should i do..

I was 4 weeks pregnant by the time I joined my new company, and I didn’t know before that as my period is always irregular. I work for about a two weeks and found out, and decided to informed my employer as i do not want them to think i “cheat” them. I was ready for their decision, but the company decided to keep me instead. To be fair to them, you can inform them early. Better than they found out and refused to confirm you after your probation period
Read moreyou are not obligated to inform during interview.. you can inform during your pregnancy, or even up to 1 week of taking ML ( i informed my boss after first trimester because i was taking few days mc for gynae checks. if they fire you after you are hired, it’s discriminatory (
Read moreI was in same situation as u. I was pregnant and since I was taking Mc for check up, I tot I could go for interviews to polish my interview skills. Lol. In the end I got the job, and i told them I am pregnant before they offer. I could feel they were interested. They rushed out the job offer for me so that I can quickly be on board around week 12. It was an mnc . But another mnc rejected me when they know I am pregnant. So it all depends on luck...
Read morejust an update: called back the hr. they said that they are ok but have to inform the reporting officer and get back to me.. but it has been a 4days, didnt get back so most probably a no alrdy. also i understsnd that this job need 6mths probation before confirmation thus, the rejection is unďerstandable.:)
Read moreIt is discriminatory for them to fire or withdraw their decision to hire, if you inform them and they change their mind - all interviews and selection should be done purely based on merits. Not gender, age, race, religion, etc. Please complain to MOM if you find that you have been discriminated upon.
Read moreSometimes we catastrophise and tend to imagine a worse outcome than what might actually happen. I’d say, mention this to your future employer and tell them the honest truth. That you didn’t know and it wasn’t planned but that you’d love to be able to work something out with them.
Always be honest, just let them know upfront that you are pregnant. You hv to be fair to them and also honest to urself. At the end of the day no matter how good you are at the job once you are caught lying you will never be trusted again. Always do the right thing.
to be fair to employers, please inform them you are pregnant before you accept the offer/sign employment letter I feel that work ethic is a must
I wanted inform them before accepting the offer