I’m sure many of us have had horrible (and icky) experiences with slime! Here’s a recipe for one that I LOVE! It’s not so mucky and you can actually use it to pick up dirt around those tough corners when you’re spring cleaning this Lunar New Year! Note: it’s not edible so do watch your littler ones closely when doing this :) Here’s the link! https://fb.watch/aPnVi3b4o0/
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Hey parents! Not too sure what to do today or still at work and don’t know what to plan for the kids after you’re home? Fret not! Here are some activities that’ll keep the kiddies occupied for this evening and the day! Just click the link and it’ll lead you to TAP’s Instagram… You’re welcome 😉 https://www.instagram.com/tv/CUt3FIrLrw2/?utm_medium=copy_link
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Mid-Autumn Festival Guide for the busy parent
Hi everyone! Happy Mid-Auntumn Festival! I understand some of us would be so busy with work and it’s a weekday…can we still have some fun with the kids? My answer to that would be - of course!!! Here are some of my tips for you this evening…have fun and hope you have a fun-filled evening! https://drive.google.com/file/d/12p8vnUGKmUNYjtKIxF7KucypQfpI7U3u/view?usp=sharing
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