went for a scan at KKH. urine test is positive and very dark from previous take, but doctor said he can’t see the baby nor the heartbeat yet. I’m so sacred, he said that maybe it’s too small but he can see a very small circle in my womb. I have to come back in 2 weeks time. I’m very very worried but he did asked me if I wanted to keep this pregnancy and I said yes. anyone encountered this? is everything ok?

Yeap it could be too early. I was told the same thing and back then no one can guarantee it will be a successful pregnancy or not. I can totally relate the pain of waiting but dont lose faith ya. 2 weeks later i went and saw the magical bean with heartbeat and Im now in my 3rd trimester :)
Count your EDD. if u are few weeks then its normal. I was ard 5 months pregnant when doctor said can't hear any heartbeat but can see baby's heartbeat thru scanning. My baby is out and now healthy. 😊 Its ok. Dont scare yourself!
Read morehi, at what week of pregnancy did you do the scan at KKH. I did mine earlier this morning private clinic. Supposingly should be at 7 weeks, but scan gestation show 5 weeks +, no heartbeat yet. only small bean can be seen from the scan.
Yeah don’t worry too much. I found out way too early and went for a scan as well and the dr could not see anything. Just relax for now and stay happy
Sounds like you went for your first appt too early and possibly scared yourself unnecessarily. Next time, schedule first appt to happen after week 8.
Same. Too early that time so just a sac. After 2 weeks, can hear heartbeat. Baby's ok one. Doctor just saying routine things.
Don’t worry too much! It might be too early to detect the baby or the fetal pole
heartbeat is from 8 weeks onwards so maybe it's still early for you.. don't worry
Don't worry! Could be too early to detect yet. Be positive!
guess it still early. dont worry too much. think positive!