Blood sac in uterus in tri1

Went to doc for my scan at wk5, doc spotted a blood sac on top of the baby sac, baby sac is measuring ok for week 5 and blood sac is not active bleeding and im not bleeding it out externally. Doc say to observe another week and put my on hormones pill. Has anyone exp this before/ can offer adv? #adviceappreciated #firsttimemom

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Hey there! It sounds like you're going through a bit of a worry with that blood sac in your uterus during your first trimester. It's totally understandable to feel concerned, but it's great that your doctor is keeping a close eye on things. Having a blood sac on top of the baby sac can be a bit unnerving, but the fact that it's not actively bleeding and you're not experiencing external bleeding is a good sign. Your doctor's recommendation to observe for another week and start on hormone pills is a proactive step to support your pregnancy. While I haven't personally experienced this, I've heard from other moms who've been in similar situations. Many have found that with close monitoring and following their doctor's advice, things resolved positively. In the meantime, it's essential to take good care of yourself. Make sure you're getting plenty of rest, staying hydrated, and eating nutritious foods. And if you ever feel worried or have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to your doctor. Hang in there, mama! You're doing great, and we're here to support you every step of the way. 🌸 #adviceappreciated #firsttimemom Mama's Choice $18 voucher 👉🏻

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