Is taking bird nest during pregnancy necessary? Is it scientifically proven that it helps mum and the newborn.

If you wanna look at it from science perspective, nothing from TCM is ever truly proven scientifically! It's more of a belief over traditional medicine, or in this case, the belief that bird's nest will help one way or another - it's up to you whether you'd want to take it a not, and same goes for anything else recommended at any point of time. What I would say is I don't really see much benefit over eating/drinking a bird's saliva but ... It's all up to personal preference!
Read moreIt is not scientifically proven. And there are people who said if you eat it too early in pregnancy your baby may get eczema or phlegm . Many different sayings. I ate only during the last trimester. Well I don't really think it made any difference. A balanced diet is more important t
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Second or 3rd trimester can eat alternate wk. my tcm physician advise me to eat. But I don't think it is proven by western med. I had alternate chicken essence and bird nest - a good balance. Can add both yin n yang
Not proven. I would say it is more of a Chinese belief. N actually not too good if consume in excess
No proven. But I still consume from week 28 onwards. Once a week.