Hi, anyone went through natural delivery without taking epidural? I am not taking epidural but open to laughing gas and injection in thigh as the 2 options for pain relief. Mind to share how the contractions feel like? This is my first pregnancy and I can take mentration pain but not needle pain.

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I would suggest keeping an open mind to pain relief! I learned that every woman's body respond differently to pain and we can have different nerve receptors. Some feel more pain and some feel less. It also depends on how your labour progresses. I did express my preference to my gynae on deciding on epidural use later. I had the intention of not taking any form of pain relief for my natural birth. However, my labour took so long I knew I was too fatigued (I had zero sleep for 20 hours when the epidural was given) and the pain became too intense at the end for me to push effectively. The contractions were so painful the needle injection wasn't significant. I was given laughing gas whilst waiting for the anesthetist and it only provided very brief relief. As for the epidural side effects, I only had shivering. I didn't have any nausea or vomiting and I walked about an hour or two after delivering. I do have a pretty high pain threshold. I was walking around the ward despite the contractions having gone on for 18 hours. Even after the epidural it took another 3-4 hours before I delivered my baby, and I still didn't sleep at all but epidural allowed me to at least shut my eyes and rest. You can consider hypnobirthing, which I find helped me for most parts of my long labour (but I think it's not so helpful when the labour went as long as mine). Trust yourself to know when to make the decision for yourself and your baby :)

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Jts. I have low pain threshold too. In fact the hospital staff all know. Just an injection, I'll cry. But what I know is this. I didn't take epidural. Cos I was bent not taking knowing its side effects. So I kept on talking to my child saying, u must come fast as mummy cannot tahan pain. And it worked. I had very short labour. Only 3.5 hours. Only took the thigh jab. And no your contractions is similar to when you are constipated and want to poop. Yup. That's how it is. So relax mummy. Talk to your baby more. Walk and exercise few days before labour. Even if you need to induce. I was dancing and walking and running in my room after being induced. And to say, I had an easy labour. Of course during my active labour, I was screaming. But at the end, the joy of seeing your baby, ah that what makes it worth it. So mummy. Calm down and relax.

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2y ago

thank you for this advice!!

Went through natural delivery without epidural. Took laughing gas but was really not helpful anyway. My contractions were mostly pains on my lower back area. Felt like someone repeatedly punching that area till it becomes so sore. But of course, like all other moms, i feel that nothing can really describes the pain as well. I took one contraction at a time. Whenever the contractions go away for 3-5 min, i take that time to rest and prepare myself for the next round of contractions. Keep telling myself that it'll only last for 40 secs and thats it. No epidural and the injection cause i wanted to know how it feels like. Thats just how i got through labour. It is all in the mind. Think positive and stay strong. However, some moms go through really long hours of labour. If your gut feeling tells you that your body cannot take it any longer, do whats best for yourself.

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9y ago

You along with other mummies sharing makes me feel that I can do it! I heard the contractions are sore, similar to food poisoning whereby the tummy churning and twisting.

Initially I thought I can go through natural delivery without taking epidural as I'm able to handle menstration cramp. I was being induce, when I was 3cm the contraction starts kicking in. Starting was fine, able to handle it but when the contractions get more frequent I requested for pain relief and was recommended epidural as I heard that laughing gas will only make one feel "lightly headed" (feel like you're "flying") to distract you from the pain but doesn't really help to reduce the pain. I'm cannot take needle pain but just bare for few minutes for them to put in the epidural and you'll be able to take a rest till you're ready to push! Saving energy for pushing is very important!! Jy mummy!

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I did, no epidural but I did take laughing gas! I'd say it's a real good alternative but you have to follow closely to what the nurses say to do :) You basically just have to hold the gas mask and take deep breaths, and after a few you'll feel the effects and no longer the pain - what I did feel was a little "high" from it haha, but nothing harmful because it went away shortly after! As for what labour feels like, it's different for everyone - but I'd say mine felt like a stomachache that I needed to just poop. As soon as possible. The natural feeling and urge is definitely there, so just follow your instincts :)

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I was in natural labour for 25 hrs for my 1st child but things didn't work out and has to go through c-sec. While going through the 25hrs, I was only on laughing gas. It was really tough but it's an experience that you will nvr 4get in Yr while entire life. The pain is definitely worth it. Although I went through c-sec in the end but I was happy to have gone through this experience despite the fact that I have to bear 2 types of pain. Nothing matters when your baby comes out safe and healthy. Don't worry at the pain. It's definitely a pain u can nvr imagine you can endure. Jiayou Mummy.

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9y ago

Don't mention

Mine natural delivery without epidural. Depended on laughing gas but hated the gong gong feeling after inhaling, vomited after delivering too. Only helped to ease the pain just a tiny bit. My labour lasted 40 mins (after break water bag) so I was really lucky I don't need to tahan so long. Contractions feel like very bad menses cramps that come and go, when fully dilated it felt like you really need to poo damn badly. For me contractions still tolerable, pushing the baby out is even more painful. But all pain is worth it when you see your LO come out safe and sound!

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My 1st pregnancy too. I was open to epidural until I watched a video which changed my mind slightly.. When my waterbag first broke, no contractions until later on. I was given the option to take epidural but i thought to hold on slightly as i can still take the pain. Then suddenly i was preparing to push the baby out, so i ended up with no epidural.. Anyway contraction is like 5x times of menses cramp.. It depends on individual pain threshold. Whichever method does not matter so long as baby is healthy..

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I did it halfway only ... lol Mine ended up in emergency c-sec as my cervix was dilated 4cm when I went through the contractions for more than a day in the delivery suite. Contractions comes and goes in less than 5 mins and the intensity increases closing to the different stages of labour. To me, I managed to hold the whole day with laughing gas and I'm proud of myself. Haha. It really depends on your pain tolerance level.

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9y ago

thanks for sharing! Will physco myself that there's no other alternative pain relief option so that I wouldn't ask for epidural and persist on without epidural. :)

When your mind and body works in harmony, you feel only pressure, pulling up sensation, tightening and menstrual cramp. That's what many mothers feel if she is not fearful. It is her fear that causes muscles tension and hence pain. It is best learn relaxation techniques and join prenatal classes such as HypnoBirthing natural childbirth classes or prenatal yoga to prepare for the big day. All the best.

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