For me my tummy was pointed, I was carrying Low and my belly button was protruded. Mine is a boy so it’s true for me . Before I knew the gender, I actually did another old wives tale way. I tied my wedding ring to a thread (those used for sewing). Then I put it over my belly. If it goes back and forth, it is a girl. If it goes in circles, it’s a boy. You can try it just for fun!
Could be true to some extend. surprisingly 2 of my friends who are mothers, my mum and those aunties I met while shopping could tell mine was a boy by looking at my tummy. My tummy is round and big and carrying high though. not sure how they see also😅
Doesn't work for me. A lot of people say my tummy is pointed so must be boy, but mine is a girl. 😅
quite a number of colleagues guessed mine is a girl but im having a boy! hahaha
not true. mine one pointy one round but both are boy
i personally dont believe 😅