
today already 40weeks but still no pain 1/5 doctor said want induce It's pain

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Super Mom

Whether labour comes spontaneously or through induction, it’s equally painful 😅 Induction itself isn’t painful. A little tablet is inserted into the vagina to help the cervix soften and dilate. When your contractions start, then it’s painful. If it’s unbearable, just ask for pain relief okay?:) you’re going to do great! And congratulations in advance!:)

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I had induced Labour at 40 weeks too. Pain levels may differ among individuals.. Heard many stories that it'll be painful but was still bearable for me. Ftm, without epidural

Don't worry. Both you and your baby will be safe. Brave mummy.😁

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i had CS at 40 weeks for my pregnancies all the best 💪💕

Thành viên VIP

Everything will be just fine(: All the best and take care!

All the best!