Any tips on how to take baby passport photo?

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Haha good question! My reply is based on a baby who can sit upright. I realised that my baby looks somewhat diff when she lies down vs sitting upright. Her seated upright facial features are more flattering than when she is lying down. Then i find a white wall (just nice this is in her room, so i prop her up on a pillow and she sits upright leaning against the white wall. make sure you take the photo during daylight (let as much natural light come in, turn on all the lights in the room so no shadow casted downwards). If your baby is fair, ensure you dress your baby in a top that is in a darker/ more contradicting shade. My hubby made a good point to note that i shd let my girl wear something with collar (rather than sleeveless or round neck), reason being when you have to edit / crop photo using ICA web tool, you might need to crop off too much of the lower half below neck, so photo may look too skimpy somehow. then use your mobile phone's burst mode to snap as many shots as possible. later than slowly delete / filter the pics. trust me it may take a few tries. so i took her pics on 3 sep occasions in diff tops. just to have more samples to choose from. ;)

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just take photo with any plain background, then later find a website to remove background, and just edit it to white color, using mspaint also can. to make passport size find a website to make online passport photo, just follow their instructions, download then print it at the nearest photo service shop 😉

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That is a difficult one :) ... sing or talk to them to get their attention for a while and click multiple pictures if the feature exists in your camera/phone

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Lay baby on a white napkin. I will stand above baby to take a shot! I use the ICA website to edit the image to their required size. And submit!

8y trước

Okie! Thank you! :)

We used a white baby blanket and placed baby laying on it. Using the online application to submit. Fast and easy

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I used A4 paper. I put it behind his head and used my phone to take photo.. it works.. 😂😂

Use a white blanket & take the photo when LO open his/her eyes. You must be quick though.

Might want to try using a prop at the top of your camera to get their attention.

My Friend sent me this picture

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6y trước

Super adorable!