Gender of baby

Hi there. Is it possible that we know the gender of the baby at 15th week turned to be a boy and for upcoming appointment to be a girl ? What’s the likelihood of it ?

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Thành viên VIP

If the baby gender is known through blood test then it is confirmed correct. If by ultrasound screening, yes it might be possibly wrong so usually gynae will check again in next appointment to confirm :) regardless boy or girl the most important is a healthy baby :)

6y trước

Had an appointment and seen it to be a boy but the gynae will want to see and confirm again the next appointment.

Thành viên VIP

Yes. The ultrasound scan may not be 100% accurate as it also depends on the baby position at that time of scan. The only accurate means of determining the baby gender is through blood test. :)

Super Mom

It happens to me. First ultrasound thought it was a girl the next scan was a boy then triple confirm - its not boy at the next scan

It is possible for ultrasound scan to be inaccurate at times.

Yes, i know thru blood test doing panorama

Yes possible. it's not 100% accurate

Super Mom

Possible. It happened to mine

Thành viên VIP

Might b possible


Possible if its a boy