my baby doesn't know I am his mother :')

Sometimes I feel sad so deep that it's hard to put into words. My baby, now 2 years old, the little one who always charms with their innocent smile, never knows that I am her mother. It's been a year since she came into this world, yet they still refer to me as "auntie" every time we meet. Initially, the decision to entrust them to my cousin felt like the right one. I was pregnant out of wedlock, at an age deemed too young by my family to have a child. My cousin, let's just call her Rachel, kindly offered to adopt and raise them as her own. Despite it being an act of great love, I can't deny the pain that creeps into my heart every time my daughter calls Rachel "mom." Each "mom" comes out of my baby's mouth feels like a stabbing reminder of the fact that I never got the chance to be her mother. But on the other hand, I feel relieved. I see how much love Rachel and our family have for my daughter. They care for them with tenderness, giving them a happy and loving life. Although they may never know that I am their mother, I am grateful that they are growing up in an environment filled with love and warmth...... Gosh, I really can't hold my tears now

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