sex during pregnancy
#pregnancy anyone has sex during pregnancy? from which weeks onwards will be safe? 😅🙈
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If there aren’t any complications, you can still have sex as long as you are comfortable. We still made love till early 3rd trimester. Past that, we stopped as it’s uncomfortable for both of us.
Was told my gynae we have to completely avoid sex because of low placenta. Will have to go without sex for couple of months until the placenta moves up to a normal position.
Influencer của TAP
I feel should check with gyne. As everyone body is different n so is every pregnancy. My gyne ask me not to do it.
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4y trước
You should check with ur gyane to be safe 😊
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2nd trimester would be the safest.. 🙂
Influencer của TAP
2nd trimester onwards is alright