Just to rant

No sense of sympathy at all... I face my daughter the whole day now she is at the stage where she dun listen always throw tantrums then when her father looks after her he scolds her I told him now u know why I so angry everyday? He say that is because u dunno how to do manage but I don't want to say you. I just feel so damn pissed off right now.

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My husband said the exact same thing to me. But now when I told him to take baby for a FEW HOURS while I go out and have my “me-time”, he replied me “How I handle myself?” I will just tell him “you say so easy you can do it la. Anyway my appt fixed already so you can figure it out. It’s easy 😌.” The reason why they can say this is because they only face baby for a short period of time everyday while we face baby 24/7. So they get to see all the “angel side” of them that’s why they find it easy. Leave baby for an entire with them and they be calling for help.

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