Waking baby up in the morning
Hi parents! Do you set a wake up time for your babies in the morning? Is a fixed timing important? Sometimes my 9 month old baby sleeps in till 10-11am and I’m in a dilemma if I should wake him up earlier when he is sleeping soundly. FYI, his bedtime is 8-9pm and he has a feeding at 12mn. He then takes 2 naps - total 2.5hrs. Is this too much night sleep?

If you intend to send to school, yes! I didn’t set a routine and now it’s 4 days away from school starts and I’m regretting. She sleeps anywhere from 12am-4am (no naps) , anytime before 12am she takes it as naps🙃. I’ve been trying to adjust her timing for the past one month.. Her usual wake time is 3-4pm regardless of what time she sleeps (even on blue moon days where she sleeps at 10pm all the way).
Read moreI think my baby, now 15 mths plus, slept that long too. But she wakes up alot for milk at nite. Like probably 4 to 5 times. I think its ok to let them sleep until they wake uo themselves, as long as their diaper is not full and they dont appear to be so weak still after they wake up. Cz that probably could mean that they are not well.
Read moreI’m not expert but if your baby can sleep through the night that many hours unaffected by what time he wakes up then I think it’s fine..? I have to wake up mine because she won’t be able to sleep until late if she wakes up late 😅
Baby sleeping past 6/7am is god sent. I wont ever wake my baby up from sleep. Sleep is important, for mummy’s sanity too
as long as night.time sleep she has more than 10hours of sleep is good.
no fixed timing for my LOs