Immune System Boost

Any recommendations on supplements etc for 20 month old toddler? Anybody feeding their toddlers Scotts cod liver oil?

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Maybe you can try take vitamin C. On top of that you can use dōTerra On Guard Essential oil with Fractionated coconut oil ( this to apply of sole of feet daily). Let me know if you want to know more about the oil.😊

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Guardian pharmacy has a good range of baby's supplements. Do check them out or consult the pharmacist

I feed my 22 months toddler Scott’s cod liver oil. Started giving around 20 months

5y trước

Pwede po makita yung picture?

Give immuoed and vitamin c and fish oil

Influencer của TAP

I feed my baby Scott fish oil since 1yo

I give my baby 4life Transfer Factor..

Thành viên VIP

i gave my boy ocean health probiotics

Baby DHA and child life multi vit

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Hi, yes. Scott’s Fish oil is good

4y trước

Sa baby ko little critters

Vit c multivits Scott’s