How much milk per feed for 1 year old?
Hi pumping mommas. I'm latching my 1 year old girl at home but she goes to infant care and I don't know if she's getting enough milk each feed. Can you please share how much EBM your 1 year old takes each feed from the bottle? Thanks so much in advance!

My 15 month old can only drink 120ml max per feeding. Sometimes 100ml or less. She’s having 3 meals a day. Growth is 90th percentile for all. I was quite concerned she’s not drinking as much as other toddlers but she’s my child and she’s not someone else’s child so her genes are mine and my husband’s and my husband side doesn’t drink milk at all. Usually once kids start solid food, they drink lesser milk.
Read morehi mummy, u can experiment at home first. instead of latching offer her milk in a bottle. start at maybe 150-180ml n see if she still wants more or less, do it for a few days n come up with an average amount that she is willing to take :)
It depends on individual baby. I nurse my baby during the night bottle feed during the day. Each feed 180ml 3 hourly. 2 meal a day with snacks in between after milk.
I know my ifc help to see whether milk feed is enough and they will update you if need more.
210ml 3 times a day Breakfast lunch dinner Water in between
180ml for 1 years old 4xmilk 2x solid