6 Replies

Feminine wash makes it smell good but it kills the bacteria that protects the vagina. Try to use warm water only to wash your vagina. No soap, nothing at all. Avoid panty liner it makes it itchy, you might find it unhygeinic but try not to wipe it with tp all the time wash with water and pat dry using tp. If your panty has discharge or pee smell just change regulary

i do. sometimes it itches so bad that i have to sit in the toilet and use the bidet water pressure to help me scratch instead of using my fingers or nails.

Yes the pressure helps! I did the same as was afraid of scratching..

Yes i have this issues too . Do consult your doc. Might be due to infection. Any discharge ?

I don’t have any discharge. It’s external around vagina. At the lips there. Ok I try not to use feminine wash and see how it goes.

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Oh i was itching terribly close to birth and it went away right after that.

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No...maybe hormones changes? See a dr if worried

VIP Member

no, but some people do experience it

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