Attached to "chou chou"
Hi parents, just wondering if it's normal for a child to be overly attached to his/her toy or blankie (they call them "chou chou"). Mine brings her blankie everywhere, even to school. She tells me she likes to put her hand in the bag where her blankie is and just ruffle it. Seems like it provides her great comfort. Do yours also do the same?

Yes it is, they are considered "safety objects" to them - being attached to something makes them feel safe, and they could even develop a sense of "you must come with me" to every experience they have - so that means you're not going anywhere without it. What would help is to get the exact same item in multiple quantities so that you can alternate and wash them without them knowing it was gone for too long (though they do know by the smell haha). My son has 4 of the exact same teddybear (1 for home, 1 for childcare and 2 to alternate) and he doesn't even blink an eye on any other soft toys we try to give him :)
Read moreYes! Mine carries his blankie (he uses the aden and anais swaddle)everywhere, and looks for his blankie when he wants to sleep and he’s turning 5 this year... So I bought a few pieces of swaddles so I can alternate them.
Hi there, it is perfectly normal for kids to bring their "Chou Chou" around especially when they are at a new environment. Their "Chou Chou" can give them the sense of security.
perfectly normal. but since young, we introduce her to a few chou chou so we can alternate and wash, and if *touch wood* one lost or something, it won't be so devastating
Tell you a secret, I carry my little soft toy in my bag, that was in my uni days. Gosh I have to switch this comment to Anonymous. Kekeke
Same here. My boy is only 16mo. But he likes to bring his blanket everywhere. Especially when he’s sleepy.
I used to do that as a child too, even bringing blankie on overseas trips LOL so I tHink it's perfectly normal 🤗
Yes, my child loves her chou chou. Luckily it is a piece of cloth. We got the same material and cut it up for her!!
Our blankie boo travelled with us everywhere till my Son was seven. He eventually out grew that phase
I’m 28 and still attached to my chou chou. 🙈