Chou Chou?
Any of your MIL asking you to throw away your chouchou? I mean not like i will put it next to my baby? Or anywhere near my baby? I understand that baby needs a clean environment but sometimes my MIL just starts to pissed me even tho my baby isnt out yet😫😭 #1stimemom #firstbaby #pregnancy

Nope my mother in law from baby until now still have her chou chou and recently i ask my husband's grandmother to help me do chou chou for myself as i never had a chou chou in my life before there for she help me do 1 😅 and also dont throw away your chou chou even your mother in law ask you too cause 1st does your mother in law have any chou chou in her life before? if have just say her if dont have then you just hide your chou chou under your pillow
Read morenope not my MIL.. but my husband jokingly threatens to throw my chou chou away lol. he said that I am going to be a mother soon and still have a chou chou of 33 years. he dont even want to put it near his face. ahhaha. dont ever let anyone throw your chou chou away! maybe hide it under your bolster or in your cupboard when she is there?
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My mother is the one that asked me to throw again she said very ugly and dirty and I need to see nice things during pregnancy -_- just maybe try to hide it!
Lol my Chou Chou has been passed down to my little brother and then to my mother for neck support and I think it is coming back to my baby
Depends on individual, my chouchou no longer my chouchou, when my boy 8-9mo, he took it and didn’t want to return to me.
She just don’t understand how impt our “chou chou” meant to us.. Just ignore her babe! 😊💪🏻
my baby is using my Hubby's ChouChou now. i change the cover regularly for them. it s so comfortable
Hahaha.. she has no right to ask me throw anything (not even my mom😉)
i don't think you should do anything you are not comfortable with
my child is using my chou chou now too 😅
A cute bun in the oven ❤️