Food During Breastfeeding

Is it okay for mommies to eat instant noodles or drink bubble tea when still breastfeeding baby? #firsttimemom

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Depends on whether you subscribe to the tcm beliefs. Tcm will say no cold drinks for the mother coz the milk goes to the baby. But if you don't subscribe to this thinking, then everything in moderation will do

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Its okay once awhile i guess. I do bubbletea most times but keep my foods high fibre, calcium n protein as much as i can afford. Super hungry all the time too so dates and bananas.

Yes… why not. Everything in moderation. I ate instant noodles and drank bubble tea and my child came out fine….

Everything to be consume in moderation. As long as you don’t eat/drink it everyday should be ok.

I do eat those in moderation too and everything turns out fine

Anything in moderation is fine mommy 💪🏻

I duno but I did

Influencer của TAP

i did

